1 RichatUF  Jan 20, 2008 5:44:57pm

So this will be the area that we can comment on this particular item.

Hillary is riding the Gender Revenge movement, whipped up by ideological feminists over the last thirty years. Our colleges have become incubators for second and third-generation radicals, who spread the fervor of the enraged Left through American culture.

To go with the book “Moral Panic”, I would also take a look at “The Killing of History”. One Windshuttle’s points was that the “Cultural Studies” movement was breaking down the traditional disciplines to create an new super-discipline and overturning thousands of years of western learning.

2 RichatUF  Jan 20, 2008 5:46:26pm

This is a very cool tool-one question would be is there a way to rectify the same links posted on multiple threads?

3 FrogMarch  Jan 20, 2008 5:49:02pm

…yikes. and this woman is poised - desperate to win.

4 RichatUF  Jan 20, 2008 6:01:03pm

It is scary. Obama I don’t think realized what he got himself into, and oh boy!, election 2008 is going to be ugly for whomever the R’s choose.

Anyway, I wanted to comment and comment in the spinoff link comment thread to see what happens when the spinoff link comment thread is bigger than the thread underneath it. Don’t think it could happen but it might.

Funny this is comment 4 and the orginal thread was beyond 80 comments

Unbelievable the stuff that Charles is coming up with.

5 RichatUF  Jan 20, 2008 6:02:47pm

Does this work?

6 [deleted]  Jan 20, 2008 6:08:40pm
7 FrogMarch  Jan 20, 2008 6:12:33pm

the very fact that Hillary is winning is troubling. The sharp left turn/direction the people of this nation are willing to take is troubling.

buzz - thanks. Not that I need further proof of Hillary’s extreme leftist/fascist views and plans.

8 RichatUF  Jan 20, 2008 6:13:53pm


Thanks I’ll check them out. If the 1993-4 HillaryCARE fight is any guide, and with the stakes are so much higher, I’m really not looking forward to the next couple of months. And dread the thought of another Clinton Administration.

9 [deleted]  Jan 20, 2008 6:56:02pm
10 AndeePanda  Jan 20, 2008 7:51:35pm

Did you see that drawing of Hillary (?) in the middle of the article?

11 WayDownSouthInBama  Jan 20, 2008 10:04:43pm

Hillary stands a chance at being the next president. John McCain stands a chance at being the next president. Hillary and McCain are big buddies. If it comes down to a choice between these two,we’re screwed.

12 Icculus  Jan 20, 2008 10:36:48pm

re: #10 AndeePanda

Did you see that drawing of Hillary (?) in the middle of the article?

I was reading past it and actually thought it was a black and white photo. Creepy. And for my money, the Great American Novel of the 20th century would have to be David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest.

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